Five Minutes with Hayley Buckingham

Player Interview F-League 2013


BFS: Hayley, you have been around for a number of years and played for various clubs and states, how does Boomerangs compare? Are you enjoying your time with the club?

I have now played with Boomerangs for one season and I admire the dedication throughout the club from the players, coaches and even the parents. The passion in this club is remarkable and something you like to see when playing for a club.

BFS: Your experience at this level will be invaluable to the younger Boomerangs, have you been trying impart some of your smarts to the younger players coming through?

I very much like to try and improve the games of the younger players as I play with them, more so on the court by giving direction and advice. I hope that I can help them develop into the best player they can be.

BFS: Speaking of younger players how do you see the current crop of youth players? How will they cope with this level of competition?

This level of competition will be like no other and will be a very big challenge for these players. I think its great that they have been giving this opportunity to see what playing at a high level and intensity of the women’s game can be.

BFS: The F-League is an exciting opportunity for female futsal players, how do you see this league developing your game? And women’s futsal in general?

I think that this is a great step in achieving a national women’s league for futsal in Australia. I hope that this can bring more attention to this great game and put forward the notion for Futsal becoming an Olympic Sport. I havent played at a consistent high level of futsal for a few years, I’m eager to see what the game has to offer at this level and to see how much has changed and if it can improve my game. I think I just need fitness!!!

BFS: What are you most looking forward to with regards to the F-League?

Im looking forward to travelling and seeing what teams from other states have to offer. I also love having a weekend full of futsal!

BFS: Do you know much about the other teams participating? And which team are you most worried about going into the 2013 F-League?

As I am originally a NSW player I have been able to play with and against many of the players that will be participating in the F League, most of the NSW teams will be very strong and very competitive when it comes to the ACT team (considering we won Nationals in January!!). I think all the teams will be a very big challenge which I’m looking forward to.

BFS: How is the team progressing so far?

Our team this year will be quite young and have a lot to learn about futsal but I think we have enough talent across the board to put our mark on the F league.

BFS: Which player should opposing teams look out for in the 2013 Women’s F-League?

I don’t like identifying a certain player to look out for, I think the Women s futsal game has improved so much in the last few years that any player can be a threat!!

BFS: Thanks for your time and good luck for the 2013 F-League